MusiqaMe is still on beta stages. We hope to make MusiqaMe a real music scores sharing platform, that could live as long as possible, and forever free of charges. Today, you have two ways to contact us : either by email at : contact [at] musiqame [dot] com, or on our facebook community page.

Any contribution is very appreciated. This page will try to enumerate the ways anyone could make MusiqaMe a successful platform.

Create scores

The platform will be successful only if there are scores on it, that people could browse, listen, print and share with each other. So, if you have any music sheets on paper, writing them on MusiqaMe would help.

Report bugs & suggestions

We just began. We wanted to make the platform online as soon as possible. We are aware that we are not offering the best user experience, neither a perfect working platform. So, if you have any suggestion or encountred any bug, please let us know.

Provide note sounds

Today, when you press the 'play' button on the score editor, notes are played with piano sound. Actually we are not very satisfied with the recording we made. Besides, we are looking forward to make it possible to play scores with other instruments. If you can contribute with better music notes recordings of piano or of any other instrument, please contact us to give you more details.

Make help materials

Some people could be somewhat unconfortable or lost when they use the editor for the first time. You could help them by sharing your experience. That can be by making a video (screencast) or by writing and sharing tutorials if you maintain a blog.


Very few people know MusiqaMe. Help us spread the word, and talk about MusiqaMe to your friends, colleagues and in social networks.


Hosting and mainting a platform like MusiqaMe costs money. Our unique revenue today is advertizing. By advertizing on MusiqaMe, you can help us maintain the web site, host it and keep the platform always free.